News on L'Alfas del Pi - Altea - Benidorm
You can now book your stay for 2019 in our marvelous, luxury chalets, right next to "La Sierra Helada's" Natural Park, in El Albir!
Film Festival
Every year in July, Alfaz holds the International Film Festival of Alfaz del Pi, where the “Faro de Plata” awards are handed-in. It is a grand annual meeting for amateurs, critics, directors, actors, scriptwriters, technicians and professionals of many disciplines in the film business. Next year, it will be celebrating its 25th anniversary; a promising event.
Albir Fiestas
Alfaz del Pi fiestas take place during two months: the Albir fiestas in August and the Patron Saint fiestas in honour of the “Santísimo Cristo del Buen Acierto” in November.
Albir fiestas last for 3 days during the weekend following the 15th of August. The Peñas (folk clubs) and their associations, together with tourists and local residents, gather round the beach to take part in various recreational events for all audiences.
This year, the Patron Saint fiestas in honour of the “Santísimo Cristo del Buen Acierto” will take place from the 6th to the 10th of November. Processions, concerts, sporting events and fireworks mark this celebration.
Altea Fiestas
This town’s most popular fiestas begin with “San Roque”, in the “huerta” (orchard) area, followed by “San Lorenz”o, with its impressive firework display in La Olla, some of which are fired from floating platforms in the sea.
The fiestas of “Santo Tomás” take place in September, followed by the Patron Fiestas in honour of the “Cristo
del Sagrario” and the Moors and Christians on the fourth weekend of September.
Apart from the popular and pebbled Playa Racó in Albir, you can also enjoy the Playa de la Mina or La Cala. There are also three small isolated beaches close to the lighthouse where nudism is allowed: La Mina, El Metge and la Cala del Amerador.
Sierra Helada Natural Park
It became one of the Valencian Community’s natural parks on the 11th of March, 2005. It consists of an extraordinary relief which rises above the surrounding flatland of Benidorm, Alfaz del Pi and Altea. The mountain meets the sea at 300m tall cliffs and is a stronghold for vegetation of exceptional value, such as the interesting hanging fossil dune and the extraordinary vegetation to which it is home. On its hillsides, you can find the old ochre mines, where ancient civilizations used to extract this mineral.
Flea markets
· Every Sunday, there is a general flea market of 130 stands in the Avenida del Albir, in Albir that opens from 7:00am to 3:00pm.
· Every Friday, there is a general flea market of 217 stands in the Avenida de la Constitución, in Alfaz that opens from 7:00am to 3:00pm.
· Every Tuesday, there is a general flea market of 35 stands in the Calle Filarmónica, in Altea, from 8:00am to 2:00pm. There is also a Christmas market in December in the Carrer Jaume I, from 11:00am to 9:00pm.
· In Benidorm, there are two different general flea markets. One takes place on Wednesdays and Sundays from 9:00am to 2:00pm in the Avenida de L’Admirall Bernat de Sarrià; and the other, bigger (with 320 stands), on Wednesdays on the Calle Goya from 9:00am to 2:00pm.
· In la Nucía, on Sundays, there is an antiques flea market and a second-hand flea market with over 700 stands, from 8:00am to 3:00pm, in the industrial park of l’Alberca.
· You can also visit the El Cisne flea market, on Thursdays, Saturdays and Sundays in the Camino Benisol of the N332 road in Benidorm.